Č̓ač̓atic / Clayoquot Island
About Tofino Seasons
Experience the many moods of Tofino as the seasons subtly fold one into another.
Appreciate the subtle changes year-round. In fall, the rhythm of life slows as the crisp and cozy weather melds into the gigantic swells of winter storm watching. Spring showers usher in salmonberry blossoms and long, sunny summer days. The succession of flora and fauna each year will surprise and delight you along the way.

Microscopic phytoplankton and other dissolved nutrients in the ocean like calcium and silica get churned up in the winter swell, creating sea foam that washes ashore.

When Black bears emerge in the spring from torpor (a deep sleep over the winter, similar to hibernation), they eat the roots of the beautiful yellow skunk cabbage to reset their digestion.

Guests are welcomed with open arms in Načiks (Tofino), but they are expected to respect the land, animals, people, and community while travelling within the Hahuulthi (territory) of the ƛaɁuukwiatḥ (Tla-o-qui-aht) Ḥaw̓iiḥ (Hereditary Chiefs). Take the ʔiisaak Pledge to ensure that you travel here thoughtfully.