Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region
Marcus Paladino
Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region
The Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region (CSBR) is one of British Columbia’s three biosphere regions and one of 19 in Canada. Globally, over 750 biosphere regions across more than 135 countries, including several transboundary sites, are part of the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Regions. Designated in 2000, the CSBR is renowned for its breathtaking beauty and rich biodiversity, as well as its historical and traditional significance. The designation highlights Clayoquot Sound’s role as a global conservation priority, essential for climate resilience, reconciliation, and conservation. This region’s delicate balance between human communities and the natural environment is a testament to the sustainable practices and harmonious relationships fostered by Indigenous stewardship.
The purpose of a UNESCO biosphere region is to reconcile the conservation of natural and cultural diversity with economic and social development, fostering a balanced connection between humans and the environment by encouraging dialogue, sharing knowledge, reducing poverty, increasing human well-being, respecting cultural assets, and enhancing capacity to cope with climate change.
The Clayoquot Biosphere Trust is the local organization that stewards the spirit and intent of the UNESCO biosphere designation and is the only organization in Canada that is both a community foundation and a UNESCO biosphere region.
For more information visit: Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region