Yes to family fun – outside!

The Solidarity Union
Many of us spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer, but sometimes we need a little extra inspiration to get out this time of year. The great thing is, it really is as simple as just stepping outside.
By Jen Pukonen.
Below are some ideas, but even making a list of your family favourites to draw on can be helpful! And really, once we step outside, a world of wonderful experiences awaits. Most of which we couldn’t have planned if we tried!
And don’t let the rain stop you. I read a sign once that said “There is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.” Well said.
- Just bundle up in woolies, rain gear and gumboots and you’re good to go!
- Walk barefoot on the beach.
- Search for signs of spring down a local trail – songbirds, berry blossoms, skunk cabbage, pussy willows.
- Collect a few leaves and make leaf rubbings (put paper over a leaf and rub a crayon over it).
- Become a detective and look for signs of animals or insects… tracks, feathers, chewed leaves.
- Take a stroll at low tide and discover the wonderful array of intertidal life.
- Close your eyes and smell – tree needles, flowers, dew etc.
- Tiptoe through the forest like a mouse, can you move without making any sounds?
- Make a dandelion chain.
- Lie on your back and watch the clouds… what do you see?
- Build a sand castle and decorate it, use mussel shells for shovels.
- Count how many different insects you find on a small patch of ground.
- Play animal charades.
- Bring a sketchpad out and draw what you see, start a nature journal.
- Make an obstacle course on the beach, balance on logs, jump over seaweed, race to a shell.
- Collect berries.
- Roll down a grassy hill.
- Try to find all the colours of the rainbow while walking down a beach/trail – you might be surprised!
- Build a fort.
- Pack a picnic and visit somewhere you have never been before… a new beach, forest, trail.
- Bring a blanket out and stargaze, look for shooting stars.
- Make boats out of leaves and sticks and float them down a stream, which goes the fastest? Can it make it all the way to the ocean?
- Take a family bike ride, rain or shine.
- Put on a wetsuit and play in the waves (go for a surf, boogie, stand-up, even puddle boarding!) You won’t even notice the rain!
- Search for a banana slug.
- Play jump rope with bull kelp on the beach!
- Bring a thermos of warm tea or hot cocoa and take shelter under a big tree to enjoy it :)
- Make a mud pie!
- Walk down to the docks and check out the fishing boats.
- Hike up to a lookout and go storm-watching.
- Lend your kids your camera, what do they photograph in the forest, at the beach?
- Spot clam and worm burrows on the mudflats.
- Stop quietly on a forest trail, cup your hands behind your ears and listen like a deer, how many different sounds do you hear?
- Skip rocks on the inlet.
- Listen for tree frogs singing.
- Go birdwatching.
- Gently lift rocks and search for crabs (don’t forget to put them back where you found them).
- Take a sunset walk and watch bats swoop for insects at dusk, dip your toes in the water and look for bioluminescence.
- Take a deep breath… and enjoy.
For more fun ideas and great nature programs for children and families check out the Raincoast Education Society, Tofino Nature Kids, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, Tofino Recreation and the many great tour operators and guides in the area.
About Jen:
Jen Pukonen is a local naturalist and mother of two. She can often be found exploring and playing on local trails and beaches.