Claire Watson ArtClaire and her husband Adam reside in Tofino, British Columbia. You can find her Saturdays from late May to early October at the Tofino Market in the Village Green from 10-2pm.  Scroll down for her detailed bio!


Autumn is finally here! Every year I am stoked for the crispiness of fall. Time to break out the wool socks, beanies, sweaters and gumboots. I’ll miss those warm mornings and long days, but there is something to be said about just getting cozy and creative in this less chaotic time of year. This year I have a studio to retreat to when the weather gets rocky which is something I certainly look forward to!

October being the month of fall colours and Halloween, I did up some wild salmon for you in their more ‘ghouly’ stage of life. The return to spawn to the river from which they came. Starting from tiny eggs buried in beds of fresh water rivers, they go through many stages of fresh water life before venturing out to the open ocean for a few years before making the trip back. Between deforestation and destruction of natural habitats, fish farms, sea lice, natural predators, human industry, climate change, rising ocean temperatures, pollution and other threats, these incredible fish have a tough life. Wild Salmon are a foundational species to life on the Pacific Northwest. Wild Salmon have been a huge part of First Nations culture for ages. People and many species of wildlife depend on the marine-rich nutrients that wild salmon provide. Salmon watersheds provide clean drinking water, and because they are composed of flowing rivers and dense forests, they absorb carbon to slow climate change! The commercial fishing industry also supports local economy and communities along the Pacific Northwest. Wild Salmon are important for so many reason and I am glad to see more and more organizations fighting to protect them and restore their habitats.

You’ll see this page in Tofino Time magazine this October. Please feel free to download from my site as well, but please… pretty please… leave my contact info on the bottom if you are sharing them in your business, or other public spaces. 🙂  Download & colour here!


Claire Watson’s Bio:

Being raised on the coast of Vancouver Island, I was immersed in the natural culture of the ocean early in life. I had many opportunities to travel and explore by sea much of the coastline of North America mostly by sailboat or salmon packer in which I developed a deep connection and admiration for this coast. The rugged shores, ocean swells, hardy forest fringes, mountain vistas, starry nights, dynamic daily changes in light and weather, secluded beaches… a rugged, yet fragile landscape makes up the environment I call home. We are all tethered to nature and must respect who and what we are, and this, in essence, has become the inspiration behind my work.

I work primarily in pen and ink and watercolour – the ability to control the fine line work detail but then let it go with the unpredictable nature of watercolour is something I can identify with. I have also been enjoying acrylic and tackling the surfaces of Surfboards, Skateboards and hats when the weather is right and I can work outside (the lack of a studio has me getting creative with my small spaces)! My illustrations have been featured to promote many of the popular large events and organizations of the Pacific Rim Coast including the Pacific Rim Whale Festival (2015), Tofino Food and Wine Festival (2016), and the Pacific Rim Arts Society (PRAS) Summer Festival (2015 and 2016). I also volunteer my design and illustration services for Surfrider Pacific Rim and Clayoquot CleanUp, and am on the board of directors for the Tofino Arts Council. Clients and collaborations include Patagonia, HSBC, Natures Path Organic Foods, Tofitian, Tourism Ucluelet, District of Tofino amongst others.