This Mother’s Day, the team at Kuma proposes White Wash (because all of our most fun friends play in the white wash!)
Crushable, fruity, way too fun and only three ingredients – think white freezies on a hot summer day.

(scroll down for a printable version of the recipe)

Kuma Tofino Cocktail White Wash
Photo by Kuma Tofino.

Gather your ingredients:

In a short glass, add ice
-In the glass add 1oz of your favorite Vodka
-Add 2oz Grapefruit Jinro Soju (found in the sake section of most liquor stores)
-Add Calpico to fill the remainder of the glass (original flavored Calpico, non-carbonated, can be found at most asian food markets/ stores.)

Download + print this recipe:  Kuma Tofino Cocktail – White Wash